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Canofile Conversion

Canofile Conversion

Do you still have important data stored on Canofile magnetic optical disk?

Canofile is no longer supported by Canon and is an outdated method of storing your valuable information. With every passing year the difficulty of restoring your Canofile data grows to the point of complete obsolescence.

Some data formats and media types stand the test of time, but many do not. As with 3½” and 5¼” floppy disks, the useful life has long since ended for the Canofile format. Organisations that require ongoing access to images stored in Canofile formats are probably already facing daily frustrations in doing so, and the situation is destined only to get worse.

We specialise in the quality conversion of Canofile 250/510 Disks to TIFF/PDF formats which can easily be imported into document management systems for network availability, with quick turnaround times and security and confidentiality of your data guaranteed.

Our customers include many FTSE 100 companies, local and central government departments.

Please contact our team for more details or call us on 01785 785 655.

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